Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 29, 2009

One of the first dandelions of the season
Just in case you were disappointed by the coltsfoot last week ;-)

Frog eggs in the pond

The forsythia by the pond is coming on but... nothing like the neighbor's! Looking up the row...

...and down the row from the far end. They have quite the hedgerow.

It was such a grey, overcast, misty, blustery day that I did not expect much of a turn out on the pictures I took. The daffodils in this shot were bobbing in the breeze and the lighting seemed very poor, but, well let's just say this one brightened my day! This one is worth looking at the larger size even if I say so myself!

All photos were taken today for those who are keeping track of such things ;-P

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009

I have got to find a better way of choosing the six for this. I feel like I spent more time choosing what not to post than I did taking the pictures to begin with!

Anyway, here are the survivors. Three taken Wednesday then three taken today.

Sunflower seeds and cracked corn in the bird feeder.

Forsythia: Promise of Spring

I like the contrasts in this one.

My favorite person
(Oh, yeah, I knew this would make it here as soon as I saw it!)

I like the contrast between the bright new flowers and the faded old leaves.

And now a nice little sunset for Nan!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 15, 2009

The post that almost didn't happen...

About 5 o'clock this afternoon I went to see what I had so far for photos this week. NOTHING! Not one! I was surprised because I thought I had taken a few early on, Monday or Tuesday. Nada, zip, zilch. I wasn't much in the mood to try and be creative or whatever it is one is supposed to be with a camera. Too much rain all week and still really dreary. But I also did not want to skip a week either. So, feeling totally uninspired, I took the camera for a walk just hoping to get six shots that weren't completely horrible. After all nobody says I have to post anything. ~lol~

Well, again I found the process good therapy. Even got some pics I really like! Here are the six I narrowed down to from the 23 I shot before the rain chased me back inside after only 30 minutes. I'd love to do a little cropping etc. on some of them but here they are in their natural state aside from resizing to 800x600 and the copyright notice.

OK, enough with me nattering on, here come the pics!


I wonder who left their feather here?

A daffodil in our garden.

Roof moss

Razor wire at an undisclosed location. ~grin~

Goldfish in the pond.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 8, 2009

Here are three from Thursday and another three from Saturday.

I thought I had enough pictures of this barn but this one just had to be taken. Like it Nan?

I saw this fly on what was left of the eight inches of snow we had. I'm looking forward to spring but would just as soon the flies went somewhere else!

A long shot.
I'm kind of proud of this one. It was taken hand-held in the middle of a field and somehow turned out reasonably sharp.

Well, I had to try again and see what would happen with two objects 240,000 miles apart. Some days I guess I just get lucky!

These clouds remind me of the underside of some sort of arachnid. Maybe a scorpion. I think most of us would prefer arachnids far away like this.

The moon isn't really that far away you know. It got caught for a while in the tree in my backyard. Here's the picture to prove it!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1, 2009

Thursday - At home.

Thursday - In the village.

Friday - At home before the rain.

What can I say about cloudscapes? I guess you either like them or you don't. They tend to make my finger press the shutter release! ;-)

The last three were taken Friday afternoon when we had some unseasonably warm weather, as opposed to the 6 inches of snow we had when I last looked out this evening!

Murdock on his rock.

Abandoned (?) woodpile.

Amy taking advantage of the warm weather to do some outdoors reading.