Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 8, 2009

Here are three from Thursday and another three from Saturday.

I thought I had enough pictures of this barn but this one just had to be taken. Like it Nan?

I saw this fly on what was left of the eight inches of snow we had. I'm looking forward to spring but would just as soon the flies went somewhere else!

A long shot.
I'm kind of proud of this one. It was taken hand-held in the middle of a field and somehow turned out reasonably sharp.

Well, I had to try again and see what would happen with two objects 240,000 miles apart. Some days I guess I just get lucky!

These clouds remind me of the underside of some sort of arachnid. Maybe a scorpion. I think most of us would prefer arachnids far away like this.

The moon isn't really that far away you know. It got caught for a while in the tree in my backyard. Here's the picture to prove it!


  1. Yes, I do like the barn. Where is it? Like the moon pics too--that sharp with no tripod is very good. Were you able to disentangle it from your tree so the rest of us can see it? We had rain last night, so I didn't see the moon at all--is it still stuck in your tree?

  2. Hi Nan,
    The barn is on Heaton Creek. I can get a glimpse of it through the grove sometimes. The moon seems to be getting caught in trees (see Allison's post at but I checked and it has escaped from mine! ;P

  3. This is too funny, how we both have moon-tangled-in-tree pictures! Good thing, too, otherwise I might not have found you. It's always fun to meet another person doing Sunday Six!

  4. The moon escaped? Oh no! But at least you caught it a little bit ;-)

  5. Re: Photo #5 of set...this is an inverted invertebrate (Aurelia aurita?)that having feasted all night, is now returning to the sea floor to rest during the heat of the day... ~Prof. Rorschach
